10 Yoga Poses for Better Foot Health

10 Yoga Poses for Better Foot Health

15th Sep 2021

Your feet take a lot of abuse and some days you feel it more than others. If you’re a fan of yoga, you may be surprised to learn that there are several ways you can incorporate foot health into your yoga routine. Your toes are essential to your balance and stability, and this also carries over to yoga poses. For example, in your yoga class, you may be instructed to spread your toes or make use of your feet. The reason behind this is that your toes aid in balance while your feet can help your body posture through stretching.

Yoga for Better Balance, Stability and Health

It is never too late to show your feet some love, and yoga is the perfect solution. Exercise builds muscle that in turn protects your body from injury by supporting your joints. Your feet should be included in your workout routine; they have a lot of moving parts and healthy muscles will do wonders to support them.

Perhaps one of the best things about yoga is that it works simultaneously with your balance to align your body. When your feet are happy, your back and the rest of your body will come alive! Yoga can help ward off potential foot problems in the future as well.

So how do you get the most out of yoga for your feet? First off, be aware of your feet when doing poses. Always stretch your feet and involve them in your routine. Putting pressure on the ball of your foot, the toes and so on will help fine-tune this awareness over time.

The following are 10 of the best yoga poses for your feet

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