
Understanding Frostbite

Understanding Frostbite

1st Dec 2023

Frostbite is a potentially serious condition that occurs when skin and other tissues freeze due to exposure to extreme cold. It commonly affects extremities such as fingers, toes, nose, and ears. T … read more
How Mindfulness Practice Reduces Pain

How Mindfulness Practice Reduces Pain

3rd Nov 2023

Pain is regulated by our nervous system. Our brain alerts us of the pain we feel and it strives to maintain balance in the body. Stress disrupts the brain’s ability to deal with pain signals. Dr. Stev … read more
Chronic Pain and Depression?

Chronic Pain and Depression?

3rd Nov 2023

It is unfortunate but chronic pain tends to cause many to also suffer from depression. Researchers believe this occurs because of the changes that pain causes to the brain pathways and the nervous sys … read more
How Positive Thinking Reduces Pain

How Positive Thinking Reduces Pain

3rd Nov 2023

Have you ever heard of the phrase mind over matter? The main premise behind the popular saying is that our minds, composed of our thoughts, feelings and emotions, have a big influence on our physical … read more
4 Tips to Relieve Stress

4 Tips to Relieve Stress

3rd Nov 2023

The effects of stress are well known on our mental and emotional wellbeing. However, an often overlooked side effect of excessive stress is its physical impact on our bodies. That being said, stress a … read more
10 Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain

10 Natural Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain

18th Oct 2023

Pain management is one of the biggest issues in modern healthcare. According to analysis from the National Institutes of Health, more than 25 million American adults suffer from chronic pain and close … read more
10 Home Remedies to Reduce Bruising

10 Home Remedies to Reduce Bruising

18th Oct 2023

We have all had a bruise at one time or another, and all too often it is at the most inconvenient time. Here are 10 home remedies to help you reduce the appearance of a bruise.What Are Bruises and Why … read more
10 Exercises and Stretches for Healthy Feet

10 Exercises and Stretches for Healthy Feet

18th Oct 2023

Have you ever thought how important it is to have healthy feet? Most of us spend the majority of our waking hours every day on our feet. In fact, our quality of life is greatly affected by the conditi … read more
Tips to Reduce Neck Pain

Tips to Reduce Neck Pain

1st Sep 2023

Neck pain is a very common complaint. It is so common that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied the prevalence in both males and females of several different age groups. They conc … read more